What You Should Do When You Have Smoke Damage

What You Should Do When You Have Smoke Damage

Things to Worry About if You Do Not Remove

Smoke Damage From Your Business
When a fire breaks out within a business, it can be easily contained. That means the damage is minimal, right? Wrong. Even when the soot and charred remains are contained, it does not mean there is no damage. The remaining smoke residue cannot simply be painted over and left. It must also be removed. Here are some things you need to know about leaving smoke damage behind.

Smoke Damage Leaves Irritants in the Air
Smoke from a fire contains irritants and particles from the specific items being burned, which adhere to every surface, both exposed and closed, in the building and remain there until disturbed. Whenever someone walks by, it slowly releases those particles back into the air. These particles then enter the lungs and cause irritation.

Painting over the particles does not remove them from the area. It simply adds a coat over them that will wear away over time, releasing the same particles. As a result of not removing smoke damage from your business, you, your employees, your customers, and your clients are exposed to problems such as:

Asthma : It can be a problem that someone deals with now and then, or it can become a chronic issue that requires constant monitoring.

Chronic Bronchitis : In chronic bronchitis, the tubes that lead into the lungs become inflamed and cause pain, a cough, and wheezing. Getting sick with bronchitis is not the same as having chronic bronchitis. It is a chronic disease that gets worse over time and can cause emphysema.

Emphysema : It is a lung disease that breaks down the lining of the lungs. Once the lungs break down, the air sacs within them disappear. This reduces the amount of oxygen the lungs can absorb, in addition to making breathing difficult.

Smoke Also Hurts Other Parts of the Body
The smoke residue left behind after a fire does not only harm your lungs – it can also harm your eyes by causing irritation, dry eye, and even itchiness that will not go away. Moreover, the skin is also affected by smoke residue. It can cause cracked skin, which looks and feels very much like eczema.


If smoke residue is not cleaned up after a fire, it can continue to cause problems for years to come. Instead of ignoring the problem, contact an experienced commercial fire mitigation company like Remediation Only. We can come out, remove all the residue from the building, and get it back to being a safe place to conduct business. The people who make your business what it is are worth the time and effort we put in.

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